For me, sociology is the attempt to understand the world of people in all its complexity. In order to find out that it is this world that I would like to understand, I took some detours: via competitive sport, then natural sciences. In the laboratory, amidst biochemical apparatuses and substances, it became clear at some point that I was not so much thinking about the contents of my test tubes but about those who deal with them – people (even if disguised as scientists). That’s how I got into sociology, and I don’t want to get away from it. Only for my husband and children, and occasionally for my guitar and some good movies (and popcorn). Apart from that, I want to get to the bottom of people and their strangely fascinating, occasionally frustratingly diverse and ambiguous activities. On my website I write about what I encounter while doing so, I write about what moves me – in research, teaching and in general. Whenever I have the time and the desire to do so. This makes things easier to clarify and classify, a bit like a digital diary of thoughts.


seit 2018Research assistant (Post-Doc) at the Institute of Sociology at the Technical University Chemnitz
seit 2018Member of the Board of the DGS-Section for Political Sociology
2016-2018Research assistant (Post-Doc) at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology in at the University of Würzburg
2010-2016PhD Thesis (major in sociology, minor in psychology, funded by a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation) at the University of Munich “Political work in parliaments – an ethnographic analysis in the political field”
2012-2015Teaching assignments at the University of Munich (research departments of pro-fessors Josef Brüderl, Hella von Unger and Armin Nassehi during the winter terms 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 and summer term 2015)
2010-2012Research assistant at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Munich
2006-2010Student of sociology with minors in psychology and statistics at the University of Munich: diploma in sociology (M.A. equivalent). Thesis: “Personal relations – viewed from a systems theoretic perspective”
2008-2009Student Assistant at the German Youth Institute in Munich
2002-2006Student of biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich: B.A. in biochemistry
2003-2004Student Assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute für Psychiatry in Munich